Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cage Kevin Underwood

CAGE IS HERE!! He was born on June 12, 2010 at 3:47 pm.  He weighed 7 lbs 7 ounces...(I thought for sure he would be over 8 lbs so I am getting used to such a tiny baby) I started having contractions the night before at 11 pm but I just thought it was going to be like every other night. They started getting more intense as the night went on but I didn't want to get my hopes up just to be sent home from the hospital so we waited. By 8 am I was hurting so we decided to go to the hospital just to make sure (it is a good thing we did). They checked me in at 9 am because I was dilating and my cervix was 90% effaced. Clay tried to get some rest while I worked through the contractions. At 11 am the Doctor came in and broke my water...(still no meds).  We walked the hallways of the hospital because it was more comfortable for me then sitting in the bed (bad idea). I started having back to back contractions and they were making me sick... So I broke down and got the epidural. I was really scared about the needle but at that point it didn't matter at all and Clay was awesome while I about broke his hands.  After the epidural I finally slept and had some ice chips the nurse came in and checked me just to see where I was at and low and behold I was at and 8+!! From that point on everything went really fast and they started getting the room ready for delievery. Everything went really well and I only pushed for 40 minutes. Things are going really well and we couldn't be happier!

More pics to come! (I just wanted to write down his birth story before I forgot)


  1. Congratulations!! I heard you did great, so great that they let you go home in 24 hours! That is unheard of for me. Your boy is beautiful. Congratulations~!

  2. Oh Andrea! How wonderful! I am so happy for you and can't believe that you are a Mama! Good work on the labor (I'm still scared to death for that!) and I can't wait to hear more about your little man. Congrats!
